I can’t say I want to go out on day’s like this. But then, it’s so important to DO something. The rain makes everything look so fresh, clears away the dust. At least we can look out of our windows which thankfully, most of us have got. Ok it gives us a limited view, even if it is only a brick wall!. There’s always an option to put a flower in a pot somewhere or if we really haven’t got anywhere, we could grab an umbrella and go out looking for lovely things. The main thing I find is to do something, not to sit and feel fed up. Whenever that happens, it’s the time to change things.

I’ve decided to give you all a rose. For me, nature has woken me up, it’s focussed me more on the beauty around me instead of dwelling on the stuff that screws me up. Do you dwell on things? Doesn’t work does it. When we start to dwell on this or that, it gets bigger, so for me and I hope you do this too. Let’s all Wake Up and Smell the Roses….. I reckon if we concentrate hard enough, we will

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